
Be Nice Person

As Simple As Word

im hanizah, juz call me hanis
ex-kmm's student...
UiTM Shah Alam before, UiTM Jasin
i hope that i can give the best for my parent and family in
duniawi dan ukhrawi..
pray for us..
enjoy wateva u do..
be nice person

Sunday, October 21, 2012

im back...huhu

salam..memang da bersawang dah aku tengok blog aku ni..kesian dye..ase mcm nak aktif balik je berbloging..skunk anishanizah hamid kat uitm shah life juz begin..hope sume ok..setakat ni sume ok..kawan2 ok..walaupon ak 20 tahun tapi x rase mcm ad gap je ngan dyeorg..x tahula,kalau ak ni nampak muda atau dyeowg yang nampak tua..hehe..sori adik2(adik la sgt kan)..wateva pon dyeowg memang cool..

oopsss!!lupe..aku amik kosInformation System mcm gempak sbb ad engineering,tp soft engine jew..sekarang mate ak pnuh dgn nombor 1-0-1-0-1-0..xde no len da(bohong la xde langsng,cme majoriti la)..nty ak introduce classmate aku yg comey2 n baik2 tu..da..aku nak tdo,esok ad exam 1citizen bgai..